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Illu-Aba-Borra, Oromia

This is the Illu-Aba-Borra Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

Region 2-Postcode

  • Country : Ethiopia
  • Region 1 : Oromia
  • Region 2 : Illu-Aba-Borra

Which sub-regions are included in Illu-Aba-Borra? Here's the list of sub-regions in Illu-Aba-Borra.
Region2 Region3
Illu-Aba-Borra Alie
Illu-Aba-Borra Bedele
Illu-Aba-Borra Burie
Illu-Aba-Borra Chora
Illu-Aba-Borra Darimu
Illu-Aba-Borra Dedesa
Illu-Aba-Borra Dega
Illu-Aba-Borra Gechi
Illu-Aba-Borra Metu
Illu-Aba-Borra Nono
Illu-Aba-Borra Supena Sodo
Illu-Aba-Borra Yayu
Envelope Example
Ethiopia Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: eth.pdf . (English)


To see post code

I'm sorry but your region does not have postal codes, so there is no postal code for you. If you need a postal code, you can use 00000.

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