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This is the Oromia Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

Region 1
Region 1Oromia
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Which sub-regions are included in Oromia? Here's the list of sub-regions in Oromia.
Region1 Region2
Oromia Arsi
Oromia Bale
Oromia East Harergie
Oromia East Shoa
Oromia East Welega
Oromia Illu-Aba-Borra
Oromia Jimma
Oromia North Shoa
Oromia West Harergie
Oromia West Shoa
Oromia West Welega
Envelope Example
Ethiopia Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: eth.pdf . (English)


How to get my post code

The code is only used on a trial basis for Addis Ababa addresses, and postal codes not used in other regions. If you need a postal code, you can use 00000.

Zip cobe

The postal code in Ethiopia is only used on a trial basis for Addis Ababa addresses, other regions do not have postal code. If you want a postal code, you can use 00000.

The postal code in Ethiopia is only used on a trial basis for Addis Ababa addresses, so there is no postal code for Shashmeme. If you need a postal code, you can use 00000.

How I get my Zip code?

The postal code is only used on a trial basis for Addis Ababa addresses, other regions do not use postal code. You can contact your local post office for help.

I'm sorry that the postal code in Ethiopia is only used on a trial basis for Addis Ababa addresses, so there is no postal code for Barbaada. If you need a postal code, you can use 00000 or any other random number as a replacement.

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